Welcome to the Commercial Ground School. This course not only prepares you to take the Commercial Pilot Airplane FAA written exam and pass the associated checkride components, but provides the tools and advanced level commercial pilot knowledge to maximize the privileges of the certificate. For some that will mean jumping straight into the right seat of a jet. This course will prepare you for that!

Commercial pilots perform a very wide variety of operations in general aviation. Depending on the job market at any one time, a newly minted Commercial pilot can quickly find themselves in roles related to:

  • Skydiving
  • Banner towing
  • Scenic tours
  • Pipeline patrol
  • Aerial photography/mapping
  • §135 Charters
  • §91(K) Operations
  • Flight instruction

Furthermore, many Commerical pilots will rapidly progress into second-in-command (SIC) position at §121 operators, mostly regional airlines.

Because commercial operations can be so varied, this course covers a lot of information that may not be immediately applicable to your role. However, it is information that you should know as a commercial pilot, and will expand your perspective on various aspects of aviation.

In addition to the content in course Sections and Lessons, you should also refer to and understand the content in:

Please remember that this is a team process and you can find help in several ways!

  • You can post and comment in the Commercial Pilot — Airplane classroom forum. Your peers may be able to help you, or you may find your question has already been asked.
  • You can always direct message James from the link at the bottom of this page.

If we can help, please reach out! We aren’t here to hold your hand, but we are here to guide you, and make sure that you recieve a quality education. Staying in contact with us is part of that process!

Lastly: Commerical Pilot training is a lot of review from Private Pilot training. If you are relatively fresh on items like §91 regulations, airspace requirements, systems and so forth, it is often a relatively quick process. If you are rusty, we suggest you take the time to get caught up before diving too far into this course. We include high-level reviews of many Private Pilot areas in this course, but it is not a substitute for our Private Pilot course.

With that in mind, let’s get started!

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About Instructor

James Jacobson

James is the primary instructor for our Commercial course. He's a tailwheel and aerobatic instructor with diverse experience in challenging models like the Extra 300-series. He additionally serves as a Captain and Line Check Airman for a U.S. Airline.

2 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 10 Sections
  • 65 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate